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Joining threads in Java

Sometimes one thread needs to know when other thread is terminating. In java, isAlive() and join() are two different methods that are used to check whether a thread has finished its execution or not.

The isAlive() method returns true if the thread upon which it is called is still running otherwise it returns false.

final boolean isAlive()

But, join() method is used more commonly than isAlive(). This method waits until the thread on which it is called terminates.

final void join() throws InterruptedException

Using join() method, we tell our thread to wait until the specified thread completes its execution. There are overloaded versions of join() method, which allows us to specify time for which you want to wait for the specified thread to terminate.

final void join(long milliseconds) throws 

As we have seen in the Introduction to MultiThreading, the main thread must always be the last thread to finish its execution. Therefore, we can use Thread join() method to ensure that all the threads created by the program has been terminated before the execution of the main thread.

Java isAlive method

Lets take an example and see how the isAlive() method works. It returns true if thread status is live, false otherwise.

public class MyThread extends Thread
	public void run()
		System.out.println("r1 ");
		try {
    	catch(InterruptedException ie) 
    		// do something
       	System.out.println("r2 ");
	public static void main(String[] args)
		MyThread t1=new MyThread();
		MyThread t2=new MyThread();

r1 true true r1 r2 r2

Example of thread without join() method

If we run a thread without using join() method then the execution of thread cannot be predict. Thread scheduler schedules the execution of thread.

public class MyThread extends Thread
	public void run()
       		System.out.println("r1 ");
       		try {
    		catch(InterruptedException ie){ }
       		System.out.println("r2 ");
	public static void main(String[] args)
		MyThread t1=new MyThread();
		MyThread t2=new MyThread();

r1 r1 r2 r2

In this above program two thread t1 and t2 are created. t1 starts first and after printing “r1” on console thread t1 goes to sleep for 500 ms. At the same time Thread t2 will start its process and print “r1” on console and then go into sleep for 500 ms. Thread t1 will wake up from sleep and print “r2” on console similarly thread t2 will wake up from sleep and print “r2” on console. So you will get output like r1 r1 r2 r2

Example of thread with join() method

In this example, we are using join() method to ensure that thread finished its execution before starting other thread. It is helpful when we want to executes multiple threads based on our requirement.

public class MyThread extends Thread
	public void run()
       		System.out.println("r1 ");
       		try {
    		}catch(InterruptedException ie){ }
       		System.out.println("r2 ");
	public static void main(String[] args)
		MyThread t1=new MyThread();
		MyThread t2=new MyThread();

  			t1.join();	//Waiting for t1 to
}catch(InterruptedException ie){} t2.start(); } }

r1 r2 r1 r2

In this above program join() method on thread t1 ensures that t1 finishes it process before thread t2 starts.

Specifying time with join()

If in the above program, we specify time while using join() with t1, then t1 will execute for that time, and then t2 will join it.

public class MyThread extends Thread
	    MyThread(String str){
        public void run()
.getName()); } public static void main(String[] args) { MyThread t1=new MyThread("first thread"); MyThread t2=new MyThread("second thread"); t1.start(); try{ t1.join(1500); //Waiting for
t1 to finish
}catch(InterruptedException ie){ System.out.println(ie); } t2.start(); try{ t2.join(1500); //Waiting for t2
to finish
}catch(InterruptedException ie){ System.out.println(ie); } } }

Doing so, initially t1 will execute for 1.5 seconds, after which t2 will join it.

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